November 5, 2001 Peterson Barn, 847 Travois Way, Moscow, Idaho.
Present, Nils, Ashley, Janet, Kirsten, Lahde. Absent: Linda and Donal.
Meeting started at 6:30 and ended at8:08, 38 minutes over targe time.
1. Welcome: Hellos and 1 minute update where we are on our tasks.
- Ashley: moving forward on vision grant budget and the advisory board job descriptions.
- Lahde: progress on 501 c3 - she'll email us with info requests should she have any.
- Nils: filed IRS form on 10/31; next is due 1/08.
- Janet: collecting info on budget planning.
- Kirsten: working on the vision grant - cutting and pasting from the charter.
3. Address issues related to incorporation: Nils.
4. Address changes to by laws: Lahde
5. Review, Approve and Assign School Board Job Descriptions: Janet
6. Other business.
Notes: first draft of school board job descriptions were unanimously approved. Nils: chair; Linda: vice chair; Janet: treasurer; Ashley: secretary; Lahde and Kirsten: board members. Decided we would try to share our individual vision statement drafts prior to the Nov. 26 meeting so people can prep in advance.
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